4 min readApr 28, 2024

20 Lesser-Known Git Commands for Enhanced Version Control

Photo by Praveen Thirumurugan on Unsplash

Git, a powerful version control system, is widely used by developers to manage source code and collaborate on projects. While many developers are familiar with common Git commands like git add, git commit, and git push, there are numerous lesser-known commands that can streamline your workflow and improve productivity. In this article, we'll delve into 20 Git commands that you may not be aware of, exploring their functionalities and how they can be used to enhance your version control process.

1. git bisect: git bisect is a powerful tool for pinpointing the commit that introduced a bug. By performing a binary search through the commit history, you can quickly identify the commit where the bug was introduced, helping to isolate and fix the issue efficiently.

2. git rebase -i: The git rebase -i command allows you to perform an interactive rebase, giving you control over the commit history. You can squash, edit, reorder, or drop commits interactively, helping to keep your commit history clean and organized.

3. git cherry-pick: git cherry-pick enables you to apply specific commits from one branch to another. This is useful when you need to bring in a particular feature or fix from one branch to another without merging the entire branch.

4. git reflog: The git reflog command provides a log of all the actions that have been performed in the repository, even if commits or branches have been deleted. It's invaluable for recovering lost commits or undoing accidental changes.

5. git clean: git clean removes untracked files from the working directory, helping to keep your repository clean and free of clutter. Be cautious when using this command, as it permanently deletes untracked files.

6. git stash -p: With git stash -p, you can selectively stash changes from your working directory. This is useful when you have made multiple changes but only want to stash a subset of them.

7. git blame: git blame shows the author and revision information for each line in a file, helping you understand who made specific changes and when. It's helpful for tracing the history of a file and identifying the author responsible for a particular line of code.

8. git grep: Similar to the grep command in Unix/Linux, git grep searches for patterns in your repository's files. It's a convenient way to search for specific strings or regular expressions within your project.

9. git log — graph: The git log --graph command displays the commit history as a text-based graph, showing branches, merges, and commit relationships. It provides a visual representation of the repository's history, making it easier to understand branching and merging patterns.

10. git worktree: git worktree allows you to maintain multiple working directories from the same repository. This is useful for working on different features or bug fixes simultaneously without switching branches back and forth.

11. git bundle: git bundle creates a binary file containing the complete history of a Git repository. This file can be shared or transferred to another location, allowing you to clone or fetch the repository without access to the network.

12. git rerere: git rerere stands for "reuse recorded resolution" and helps automate conflict resolution by remembering how conflicts were resolved in the past. It can save time when resolving similar conflicts in the future.

13. git tag -l “pattern”: With git tag -l "pattern", you can search for tags that match a specific pattern. This is useful when you have a large number of tags and want to filter them based on a naming convention or keyword.

14. git checkout -: The git checkout - command switches to the previous branch you were on, allowing you to quickly toggle between two branches. It's a handy shortcut for switching back and forth between feature branches and the main branch.

15. git diff — word-diff: git diff --word-diff highlights changes at the word level instead of the default line level, providing more granular visibility into differences between files.

16. git config — global — edit: git config --global --edit opens the global Git configuration file in your default text editor, allowing you to modify settings such as your name, email, and default editor.

17. git update-index — skip-worktree: The git update-index --skip-worktree command marks a file as "skip-worktree," preventing changes to the file from being tracked by Git. This is useful for ignoring local modifications to files that should not be committed.

18. git add -p: With git add -p, you can interactively stage changes from your working directory. This allows you to review each change individually and choose which ones to include in the next commit.

19. git describe: git describe provides a human-readable name for the current commit based on its relationship to the nearest annotated tag. It's useful for generating version numbers or release names based on commit history.

20. git shortlog: The git shortlog command summarizes commit history by author, providing a compact overview of who has contributed to the repository and how many commits each author has made.


In conclusion, mastering these lesser-known Git commands can greatly enhance your version control workflow and productivity as a developer. Whether you’re debugging, collaborating, or managing your project’s history, these commands offer valuable tools for navigating Git repositories with ease. By incorporating these commands into your daily Git routine, you’ll gain greater control over your codebase and streamline your development process. So, next time you’re working with Git, don’t forget to explore beyond the basics and discover the full range of capabilities that Git has to offer.

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