How To Learn Css In Two Weeks

4 min readDec 12, 2022


Photo by Max Duzij on Unsplash

It is not easy to learn any skill in two weeks but we can acquire basic knowledge of a skill. There are so many things to build a pro-level skill like creating so many projects and spending so many hours learning and applying them. But getting basic knowledge is easy in 14 days.

Css has various types of properties that help a developer to design a responsive, clean animated website. If you give enough time to learn and implement css, definitely you will get a good command of it. We are sharing tips and topics to learn CSS that you can cover in two weeks and you can design a beautiful web page in time period. You can check out “how to learn Html in two weeks”.

Day1: Learn about CSS history and the introduction part to get a good idea and background of CSS.

Day2: Learn how to write CSS for Html documents. Methods to apply css on html elements(like inline, internal, external). How to write comments in css.

Day3: Learn syntax and selectors (like class and id). Apart from this, there are other selectors also available that will help us to select the elements(like nth-child(), first-letter()).

Day4: Learn the background of all properties that is useful when a developer deal with the background of any element.

Day5: Learn about borders (like border-color, border-width etc.) and display properties(like block, inline, flex, inline-flex etc) that help the developer set the border of elements and display style.

Day6: Learn to change font properties (like font-weight, font-size, font family etc.) and how to import external font families in css.

Day7: Learn “Box Model”, It will help you to learn about how each element of Html work in the box. Boxes have some padding, margin, border, etc and you can change them according to web page requirements.

Day8: Learn about various types of units that are used to define the width, height, font size, padding, and margin of the Html element.

Day9: Learn about the “Grid Template” concept that will help you divide the screen into various sections which are decided by the developer. Make a couple of projects using the grid concept only that will give web page flow.

Day10: Learn about “flex-box” to align elements properly with more flexibility. Help developers develop responsive and clean & clear web pages. Develop some projects using grid and flexbox concepts. It will give a very good understanding of web page flow and element manipulation.

Day11: Learn animation concepts (like keyframes) that will help you develop elements with some animation (like moving elements, hover effects etc).

Day12: Learn about functions that are defined in the css(like calc(), attr(), hsla() etc).

Day13: Learn about responsive web page design(like media query) because it helps you to develop a website that can work with the same content, and smoothness for desktop, mobile and tablet.

Day14: Make a couple of projects using Html css only. Write some code of inline, external, and internal CSS files. Apply your knowledge to make web pages more interactive, smooth, and responsive. Apply CSS animation concepts on the simple web page.



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