3 min readDec 11, 2022

How To Learn Html In Two Weeks

Photo by Nathana Rebouças on Unsplash

As we know to become a pro in any skill, we have to spend a lot of time on it. Initially, we have to start with basic concepts and practice them then go for advance and practice.

In this article, we are going to talk about how to learn Html in two weeks. Obviously, nobody can become a pro in two weeks but the basics can be covered in this time period. There are so many new things to learn in Html because on the internet, every website is based on Html only(used with other technologies like react, flask, PHP, etc), and every few years it comes with some new feature. So covering all Html in 14 days is not easy. We just plan how to cover all basic and some intermediate level of Html so that you can develop the web page with basic elements.

We will divide this article into two sections week1and week2. After that, we will discuss what you can learn in the first week and then the same for the second week. Apart from this, we will share some online website links and YouTube channels that will help you to learn Html.

Day1: Introduction and History of Html. It will give you a Background understanding of Html.

Day2: Download Code Editor and one web browser. Study about Html structure and how this structure works in the browser.

Day3: Learn basic elements and different types of tags like paragraphs, heading, img, anchors etc.

Day4: Learn about attributes that are used according to the tag like for anchor tag use href, img tag use src.

Day5: learn about anchor, img, tag and its attributes. Just learn a little concept of CSS(to beautify web pages)

Day6: learn about the class and I’d concept that will help you to apply CSS on elements. Tables, order list, unordered list.

Day7: Learn about the flow or layout of Html page. How to align elements on the web page.

Day8: learn about Form creation. Study all types of input elements like text, email, button, radio etc.

Day9: learn about button design using input and using button tags.

Day10: Study some special tag which is used in HTML5 like aside, section, video etc.

Day11: Learn about SVG and canvas which are very important for advanced web development.

Day12: learn about event attributes, These types of attributes work when you interact with the web page. Learn DOM (Document Object Model).

Day13: learn about video & Audio tags. Learn concepts of MathML

Day14: Design and develop some projects. Do experiments with your knowledge on web pages. Spend some time on the practice and build very basic and advanced projects.

Resources For Html Learning:



YouTube channels:

  1. Traversy Media
  2. Freecodecamp
  3. Hitesh Choudhary
  4. DevTips
  5. Codecourse
  6. Academind

You can visit for for web development projects, tools and resources.

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