OTP Verification Card Design | HTML CSS And Bootstrap

2 min readDec 28, 2021


“OTP Verification Card”, You must have seen on many websites, wherever email or mobile confirmation or verification is asked, the verification card is definitely used. You can see this design in mobile app also like eCommerce, cab booking, and food ordering platforms are regularly using this animation.

We are not designing the backend process for OTP verification we are just designing the front end that will provide all options(like resend, OTP input, last digit of mobile number etc) for the user. In this card we have a four-row layout which we will discuss in detail later.

Also, we have a dedicated list of cards, there you will find different cards which are used regularly in web development front-end design.

We divide this card into four rows which contain various details like OTP input, verify button, Resend OTP, etc.
01. OTP Card Image
02. OTP Inputs
03. OTP Resend Action
04. OTP Verify Button

As you can see in the image each row has different content on this card.

01. OTP Card Image: This container contains a mobile image and some text containing the mobile number where the OTP will reach.

02. OTP Inputs: This line has five inputs which we will use to enter the received OTP

03. OTP Resend Action: Sometimes it takes time to send OTP to the customer by the OTP system and sometimes the message does not reach the customer, that’s why the Resend option is given on the OTP verification page. We are also providing that feature.

04. OTP Verify Button: it contains one button that is used to verify the OTP.

Now you know the layout and basic flow of the OTP verification card so now you can code with bootstrap classes. You can download a mobile image from here.

Originally published at https://www.rustcodeweb.com on December 28, 2021.



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